
Five Methods to Create Retention Using Mortgage CRM

A mortgage CRM can be a great tool for creating more retention in your business. When you have effective automation and workflows set up, your team will be able to focus on their clients and improve productivity. There are several things you can do with a mortgage CRM to help improve retention rates in your business. Take a look at these five methods to create retention using mortgage CRM.

Focus on the client relationship

As a mortgage broker, you have an opportunity to build close relationships with your clients. Your business will thrive if you can retain these relationships over time and grow them into long-term partnerships with your clients. Meet regularly with your customers and ask them the right questions. Then follow up on what they told you during those initial meetings, as well as any subsequent ones

Utilize mortgage CRM to create a system of productivity

A mortgage CRM is software that allows you to manage customer relationships. It’s a database of information about your clients, and it allows you to organize that data in ways that help you do your job more efficiently.

A mortgage CRM system is comprised of several different components, including the following integrations:

Salesforce: This is the main database where all the information about your customers is stored and managed.

Service Cloud: This component provides tools for creating workflow processes so your team can be more productive and efficient.

Financials Cloud: Financials Cloud helps with integration into accounting systems like QuickBooks or Xero so they can pull information from the financial side of your business.

Plan to work as a team

So, you have a CRM system set up and your team knows how to use it. They’re doing a great job in keeping track of their client’s needs—but what happens when they get an urgent call from one?

It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and jump into action without thinking of your long-term goals. You need to make sure that everyone on your team uses their CRM system regularly so they have time to plan their efforts and see what needs to be done next. If a salesperson is working with clients, they should be using the CRM tool daily or weekly at least to check in on clients and better understand their needs and concerns.

Find your niche

To create a compelling customer retention strategy, you have to narrow your focus. The more you can do for your customers, the better. But if you try to be all things to all people, they’ll end up getting frustrated with the process and likely leave.

So instead of offering everything under one roof or trying to be everything for everyone at once, pick one area that’s important to your clients and focus on being the best at it. If it’s not a niche—if there are competitors in other niches serving these customers—become the only player in that niche.

Reward your employees with incentives

You can incentivize employees by offering cash or gift cards as rewards. These incentives should be given to the top performers in your business, not everyone. The goal is to reward employees that are successfully meeting your goals, so make sure to set the right criteria before offering rewards. You can also use incentives as a way to increase retention among those who have been with your company for a long time but have started dipping in performance lately.


Understanding the importance of retention in mortgage lending can help you achieve higher retention rates. If your company is still struggling with retention, implementing a new CRM solution will help to create stronger relationships with clients and employees alike by using tools that track their interactions over time as well as provide valuable insights into their needs and wants when they come back for another loan or refinance.